Diego Barrera

Front-end developer & Freelance

Experience | 2+ years

  1. Front-end Developer | Software Shop

    I contribute to the development of interactive web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, taking advantage of frameworks and libraries such as React.js and other animations to optimize website development time. Additionally, I use Blade as a PHP template.

    Implementation of responsive designs, optimized for a fluid user experience and SEO.

    Working closely with Backend designers and developers to ensure the integrity of the final product.

    Performing seamless conversion of PDF and Adobe files to code, ensuring a seamless transition from design to web implementation.

    Implementation of Git and GitHub to improve the code versioning system in the company, while actively participating in Back-end development meetings and discussions, providing perspectives from my Front-end experience and my training in software engineering.

  2. Web Developer | Freelance

    I contributed significantly to the development of interactive web applications. Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I used frameworks such as React.js and incorporated animations to speed up website development. Additionally, I used Blade as a template in PHP, adding a solid layer to the development toolset.

    I specialized in the implementation of responsive designs, ensuring an optimal user experience on different devices. The focus was on achieving fluidity in design, while adhering to SEO best practices, improving the overall performance and visibility of the websites.

  3. Software programming technician | Internship at SENA

    I developed the first page, a comprehensive platform that provided detailed information on the chemicals present in various areas of the site. Implemented an updateable inventory that dynamically responded to changes. In addition, I made it possible to view the location and details of each chemical in PDF format, with the versatility of being saved or viewed on any device.

    The second page was designed for real-time recording and monitoring, including the management of hours worked and salary aspects, adjusting to the number of hours worked and the corresponding rate.

    The third page addressed the problem of requesting appointments, creating a user registration interface. This solution was implemented to overcome previous challenges related to lack of request facilities and efficient organization of appointments.

About me

Take a look at my story

Hey, I'm Diego Barrera! I'm passionate about creating software and I've been working on it for more than 2 years. Currently I am Front-end in a company that provides specialized software products to many Latin American universities.

One of my successes is to have been third place in my first NTTDATA Hackathon. This motivated me to continue deepening in this area of technology, in addition to understanding that this can provide solutions to different problems of everyday life, as well as to enhance business, services and other things.

In my free time I like to work on projects like CityUbi in which I seek to help highlight local products and services. I also like to spend time with my friends and family.

Picture of the author



These are the skills in which he has more mastery, however I have used while studying C++, JAVA and Python in algorithm projects such as a binary tree. Also in my work I have used Blade and Laravel, as in my own projects I have used EJS with NodeJs.


In this section you will learn about my personal projects


Make sure your customers don't waste any more time, highlight your local products and services.


Looking for new opportunities, my inbox will be open to answer your questions about my work, I can also give you my services as a Front-end developer with React, NextJs or Vanilla Javascript. In the same way as a Backend developer with NodeJs, I could create your API. I can also help you to make your landing page. Ask me if you haven't found your desired page, I might make it too!